Our CAMERON AAP1405340-00295 compressor oil is shipped in a 55 gallon drum. This SH Synthetic 46 Lubricant 55 gallon compressor oil is a full synthetic alternative to many popular OEM PAO-based air compressor fluids. Our Cameron AAP1405340-00295 compressor oil replacement offers full duty cycle protection allowing for annual compressor fluid change-outs.
As the most common series of compressor lubricants used in the industry, our Cameron AAP1405340-00295 oil is built to offer outstanding thermal stability, resistance to oxidation, a low pour point, and high flash point, while protecting the air compressor against corrosion, rust, and wear.
Typical Compressor Applications:
• Rotary Screw Compressors – ISO 32, 46 & 68
• Rotary Vane Compressors – ISO 68 & 100
Download the SDS for our CAMERON AAP1405340-00295 compressor oil.
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Warranty Information
We guarantee our CAMERON AAP1405340-00295 compressor oil 55 gallon drum replacement will meet or exceed the specifications, performance and warranty of the Cameron OEM compressor oil.