More Frequent Filter Replacement Ranked 2nd Most Cost Effective Step by BCAS
Published by Filter Element Store on Mar 30, 2022
For Compressed Air System Operation and Maintenace, the BCAS ranks "More frequent filter replacement" as the 2nd most cost effecive step you can take. British Compressed Air Society has launched a new campaign to save £1.47 millon ($1.84 million USD) annually in wasted energy costs from compressed air. Here are their goals.
- Reduce energy usage by 10%
- Help industry save £147.5 million in wasted electricity costs
- Save over 411,000 tons of CO2
- Take the equivalent of 317,000 cars off the road
Right behind reducing air leaks, the BCAS ranks "More frequent filter replacement" as the 2nd most cost effective operation and maintenance step you can take. When looking at all of the recommended improvements during system installation or upgrades, the "More frequent filter replacement" at 40% still ranks as the 4th most applicable and cost effective step. Below are their simple steps to "easy" savings using compressed air.
(1) % of CAS where this measure is applicable and cost effective
Of course, there are more expensive savings steps you can take such as optimizing drives and motors, end use devices, and resusing wasted heat. Replacing your compressed air filter elements is probably the simplest step you can take.
You can visit the BCAS 10% Taskforce website to downoad their energy savings report and reduce your compressed air energy consumption.
Last Modified: 10 April 2022