Our KAISHAN KTL-4000 FG-5 Food-Grade lubricant is ISO 46 and ships in a 5-gallon pail. While the OEM oil is rated for only 4,000 hours, our extended-life ISO 46 food-grade oil is rated for 8,000 hours. It is a synthetic NSF H-1-approved food-grade lubricant approved for incidental food contact and ideal for common food processing and distribution applications.
Semi-annual service intervals continue to be commonplace in food-related applications, and our aftermarket KAISHAN KTL-4000FG-5 lubricant ensures we can reach these change-out intervals.
Typical Compressor Applications:
• Rotary Screw Compressors – ISO 46
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Warranty Information
We guarantee our Kaishan KTL-4000 FG food grade ISO 46 compressor oil will meet or exceed the specifications, performance and warranty of the OEM food grade compressor oil.